Support schemes are available for residents of of Calatayud


The Calatayud Town Council seeks to improve the life of its citizens through support schemes.

Subsidised tariffs

The subsidised tariffs offer a reduction in the service fee for specific groups with circumstances of need or in danger of social exclusion. 

  • Pensioners and receivers of the job seeker’s allowance

    Owners and/or tenants residing in their own home, who are water service account holders and pensioners over 65 years of age or receivers of the job seeker’s allowance, known as the renta de inserción,  and who have individualised their consumption will receive a 25% reduction on the water consumption tariff.

    Taxpayers covered by this section can apply for an additional 25% reduction in the fixed fee of the tariff if the total income received by the residents in the home does not exceed the corr esponding amount established by 1.5 times the public multiple effect income indicator (IPREM).

    • Requirements

      • Printed copy of the application (using the form provided by the local council) and national identity card. 
      • Sworn declaration of the assets and income of the applicant and/or those who live with him/her (using the form provided by the local council). 
      • Certificate of municipal census registration and residency (the certificado de empadronamiento y convivencia), to be requested from the local council.
      • Photocopy of the latest tax returns for all members of the family unit for the year prior to the one to which the application refers. Persons who do not need to submit their tax returns must, along with the certificate of exemption, provide the following documentation: 
      1. Certificate of pensions received in the previous year, to be requested from the National Social Security Institute (Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social, INSS).
      2. Tax information from banks in which the contract holder and other members of the family have an account (to be requested from the bank).
      3. Depending on the work situation of the persons in the family unit, the employment record or justification of salary received in the year prior to the one for which the application is made.
      4. Any other document which the government official processing the application considers necessary to ensure the real situation is clearly demonstrated.
      5. Reductions will be applied solely and exclusively to the first home which is the permanent family residence.


      • This tax benefit will last for four tax periods dating from the one in which it is granted.
      • The receiver of the support may request the extension of this period during the year in which it ends, as long as the conditions specified in this section are still met.
      • This support will be terminated automatically should the holder no longer meet the necessary conditions.
      • Beneficiaries must inform the local council of any changes to the situation in which the support was granted. Start of form.
  • Holders of large family certificates

    Owners and/or tenants of homes occupied by legally recognised large families who are the holders of a water policy and have individualised their consumption will receive a 25% reduction on the tariff for water consumption. 

    Taxpayers covered by this section can apply for an additional 25% reduction in the fixed fee of the tariff if the total income received by the residents in the home does not exceed the corresponding amount established by twice the public multiple effect income indicator (IPREM).